Food Services » Food Services Collection Policy

Food Services Collection Policy

  1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish consistent meal account procedures through the district and provide students with healthy meals each day.  Unpaid meal charges place a financial burden on the food service department which results in a financial strain on the general operating budget.  The goals of this policy are:

      *  To establish a consistent district policy regarding charges and collection of charges

      *  To treat all students equitably and with dignity in the serving line regarding meal accounts

      *  To support positive situations between district staff, students, and parent/guardians to the   

          maximum extent possible

      *  To encourage parent/guardians to assume the responsibility of meal payments and to promote

          self-responsibility of the student


  1. Scope of Responsibility


The School Office Secretary:  Responsible for maintaining charge records and notifying the student’s parent/guardians of low or outstanding balances, creating a line of communication between families.


The Food Service Department:  Responsible for ensuring that all students have access to a meal each and every day.


The Parent/Guardian: It is the parents/guardians responsibility to monitor their child’s account balance.  We Pay is the secure, convenient and friendly way to manage and pay for your child’s school meals via the Internet.  Log on to, click on Miscellaneous at the top-Fees-Make Online Payment-put in payment amount-continue, then your card information.  There is a small free to pay on line but all other services including low balance notifications are free.  You may still pay by check or cash in an envelope sealed with your child’s name or can write one check for multiple children at different schools but need to have all names on envelope.


  1. Administration
  2. A) All students will receive a regular breakfast/lunch each and every day regardless of an overdue


  1. B) All efforts to collect overdue meal balances will be directed at parents/guardians and will occur away

     from the cafeteria.  Students will not be notified of balances unless they ask.


Balances Owed

  1. A) The school secretaries will email weekly notices to parent/guardians of low or outstanding balances.

     In addition, notices will be mailed home monthly by the Food Service Department.  The secretaries

     will work proactively with parents/guardians to keep them informed of their students’ balances.

  1. B) Prior to the end of the school year, parents/guardians must make arrangements with their child’s

     schools secretary to fully pay their child’s account.

  1. C) Collection of owed balances will be turned over to a collection agency by the school district.
  2. D) If a student is without meal money on a consistent basis, the administration will investigate the

     situation more closely and take further action as needed.  If financial hardship exists, parents and

     families are encouraged to apply for free or reduced meal assistance if there is a need.  These

     applications can be found on the schools website, Teacherease or at each school’s office.


Remaining Balances

All seniors will receive a notice in May of remaining funds in their meal account and may elect to transfer those funds to a sibling’s account or receive a refund with a written or emailed request.


Unclaimed Funds

All refunds must be requested within one year of graduation.  Unclaimed funds will then become the property of Salt Fork CUSD #512 Food Service Department.


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